Do you want to join us on our quality improvement journey

It’s an exciting time for the LSCP Audit and Review Subgroup, with plans ongoing to develop the 2025/26 programme of quality assurance reviews.

Sometimes when people hear the words ‘audit’, or ‘quality assurance’, their immediate response is, ‘that’s not for me’ or ‘another opportunity to look for poor practice’, but we’re looking to turn that around, trying to make audit something very positive across the partnership. We’re looking for ways to focus on positive practice, where we can showcase what’s working well, and celebrate that.

We’re currently working on a practice review, focusing on the issues of neglect, following recommendations from recent Child Safeguarding Practice Rapid Reviews. Rather than explore individual cases, however, where there are concerns that things might not have gone as well as would be hoped, we’re leaving that for the formal case review process. From an audit point of view, we are launching a review of good practice, looking at how things are done well in Leeds and how we can ensure that happens across all services.

We’re very keen to make sure that we fully involve practitioners on the front-line in this work. After all, it’s only by working with and listening to those who are working directly with children, young people and their families, that we can truly understand the experience of those who they’re supporting.

With all that in mind, for our current review, we’re planning a series of discussion groups with front-line staff, asking them to share with us what ‘good’ looks like in practice, when they’re supporting children and young people who they believe are experiencing neglect. This will also be an opportunity to ask those same practitioners what they feel stops them from delivering the best interventions and how they can be supported to overcome those obstacles.

This feels like a really great opportunity to listen to those colleagues who are best placed to make a difference. It’s an approach we’re keen to take forward for future reviews.

Keep a look out for opportunities to be part of similar projects; we’re really keen to work with volunteers from a wide range of organisations and services. If you’re interested in getting involved, email us at 

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