Its Drowning Prevention Week

Drowning Prevention Week is an annual summer campaign that takes place from 15 June to 22 June. It is intentionally timed before the school summer holidays, when children spend more time outdoors.

In hot weather increasing numbers of children put themselves at risk of drowning from swimming in rivers, lakes, canals or reservoirs. It can be tempting to cool off in open waters, but there are many dangers, even for a strong swimmer.

The RLSS UK's National Drowning Report 2023 states that warmer weather is directly linked to an increase in fatal drowning incidents.

“46% of drownings occur in the summer months and this rises to 75% amongst 13 – 17-year olds.”

With the correct knowledge and judgment, accidents in and around water are mostly preventable.

We are supporting Drowning Prevention Week along with our partners, Yorkshire Sport Foundation and Active Leeds.

During the week we will be posting water safety messages and ask that you repost our messages too. Help us encourage everyone to have water safety conversations and keep children and young people safe in and around water.

Remember to use the hashtags: #DrowningPreventionWeek #DPW #EnjoyWaterSafely #RLSSUK

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