Core training

The LSCP provides a series of multi-agency safeguarding learning and development opportunities including core training, additional topic-based webinars, as well as events. 

Training and events are just a small part in developing practice and increasing knowledge and the LSCP encourages those working with children and young people in the city to commit to their own learning and development. This website contains a wide range of resources and information for practitioners to access in their own time. 

Please see the left hand menu for a complete list of our courses for you to select from. Our multi agency safeguarding training is offered to staff and volunteers who come into contact with children, young people and/or families within Leeds. 

Practitioners should identify their learning needs through supervision and discussions with their organisation's safeguarding representatives. This should be based upon their job roles and contact with children and young people. 

Training should be updated every three years in line with your own organisation's policies and procedures. The Safeguarding Children Refresher Training is provided by the LSCP to help professionals achieve this. It is not necessary to repeat the Introduction to Safeguarding Children and Young People or Working Together to Safeguard Children and Young People training.

Agencies who have capacity are expected to provide their own in-house Introductory level training. See our In-house training checklist for guidance on the core areas that should be covered and some suggested content.

We are continuing to develop new sessions and materials so please keep checking back to these pages.

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