Be party smart

Before you go to a party there are things you can do to keep yourself safe

Before you set off
  1. Find out whose party it is
  2. Make sure you know where you're going; take a note of the full address
  3. Tell a trusted adult where you are going, who you are going with and what time to expect you home. You can also share your location via GPS
  4. Make sure your mobile is fully charged
  5. Take enough money with you to get home
  6. Have a plan on how to get home eg; have a taxi company number in your favourites
  7. If you accept a lift there, take a note of the road signs along the way
  8. Text or call your trusted adult when you get there
If you start to feel uncomfortable while you're there
  • Stay near your friends and look out for each other
  • If you are drinking alcohol – Stop!
  • If you are offered drugs - don’t accept!
  • Avoid going into a room alone with someone
  • Don't feel pressured to stay
  • Pretend you’re feeling ill and arrange a taxi, or for someone you trust to pick you up. 
  • Don't accept a lift from someone you dont know
  • Lock yourself in a room such as the bathroom or go outside, and phone or text a trusted adult asking them to come and pick you up
  • At the end of the night let your friends know you have got home safely

If you or someone else is afraid, call the police!

Take a screen shot of these tips so that you can refer to them if you need to.

If you've been invited to a party or get-together:

  • through friends,
  • either online or in person,
  • or by someone that you don’t know well?

Ask yourself...

  • Why have I been invited? 
  • Why is someone offering to give me something for free?
  • What might I be asked to do in return?

Is the party:

  • in a location that you’re not familiar with
  • at someone’s house that you don’t know that well

Have you been offered a lift?

Have you been told that there will be free alcohol and perhaps drugs available?

If it feels wrong - go with your gut feeling - Don’t go!

Going could result in you finding yourself in a position where you feel uncomfortable and possibly pressured to do things that you don’t want to do.

Decide the night

Decide the Night is an immersive game designed to help you make safer choices around alcohol.

Designed with young people, for young people, Decide the Night invites you to take part in five different drinking scenarios. The aim is just to enjoy a full night out with your friends. Each scenario is story-based and focuses on a different drink and situation that was suggested by 14-15 year-olds from Leeds. The game is designed to be fun and engaging. Why not give it a go?

For advice about keeping safer around alcohol and drugs see the How to party properly website.


If you do not feel able to talk to an adult you know, there are organisations you can contact who won’t blame or judge you

Childline: 0800 1111

Police: Call 999 if the crime is in progress or you feel you are in immediate danger. Call 101 in a non-emergency or if the crime has already happened.

Crimestoppers: 0800 555111

Support after Rape: 0808 802 3344
Opening hours:
Mondays 6pm to 8pm
Tuesdays 8pm to 11pm
Wednesdays 6pm to 8pm
Thursdays 8pm to 11pm
Fridays 6pm to 8pm
Sundays 2pm to 5pm

If an adult is concerned about your safety they might need to inform the Police or Children’s Social Care.

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