Update to the Minimum content checklist
All organisations are responsible for ensuring that their workforce is competent and confident in carrying out its responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
Employers and voluntary groups should ensure their workers and volunteers are aware of how to recognise and respond to safeguarding concerns, including signs of possible maltreatment. This knowledge and expertise should be put into place before they attend other multi-agency training.
We provide introductory safeguarding training (Introduction to Safeguarding Children and Young People) for Third Sector agencies and those who are not able to access or deliver training in-house.
For those organisations who can provide their own training at this level, we have created a Minimum Content Checklist which lists the core areas that should be covered and some suggested content. It is the responsibility of the individual organisation to audit their in-house safeguarding training against the minimum content as detailed in the checklist.
The Minimum Content Checklist has recently been updated. Please ensure you refer to this updated version when commissioning your inhouse training.