The Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) provide introductory safeguarding training (Introduction to Safeguarding Children and Young People) for Third Sector agencies and those who are not able to access / deliver training in-house.
For those agencies who can provide their own training at this level, the LSCP have created this checklist of core areas that should be covered and some suggested content. It is the responsibility of the individual agency / organisation to audit their in-house safeguarding training against the minimum content as detailed in this checklist.
Core areas (including suggestions for content):
1. Accountability regarding child protection
- Quotes from Working Together 2023
- Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
2. Legislation / Guidance
- Overview of legislation
- Reference to principles of the Children Act 1989 and 2004 and underpinning values, including the concept of significant harm
- Refer to lessons from Serious Case Reviews (locally & nationally)
- Reference to Working Together 2023
- Reference to What to do if you are worried a child is being abused 2015
- Information Sharing: Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services for children, young people, parents and carers, May 24
- Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
3. What is child abuse?
- Definitions of Abuse and recognition
- Definition and signs and symptoms of the categories of abuse from Working Together 2023
- Common sites for accidental and non-accidental injury
- Accident/incident record
- Highlight vulnerable groups (e.g., babies, looked after children, disabled and asylum-seeker children)
- Children who harm children
- Risks outside of the home- including gangs, exploitation, serious youth violence.
- Domestic Abuse – children as victims in their own right
4. How we respond to children
- How to respond to a disclosure – good practice
- Hear the voice of the child
5. Child development and maintaining a child focus
- Awareness of normal child development, acknowledging each child is different however significant discrepancies may indicate abuse
- Impact if abuse on child development and long term outcomes
- Seeking professional support and advice
6. Impact of parenting
- Family History and Functioning e.g. parenting experience, historical information, family make up, compromised parenting, bereavement, situational/economic constraints.
- Understanding of the Leeds “Think Family, Work Family” approach
7. Understanding of agency role
- Agency Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
- Referral Procedures
- Staff Conduct and Managing Allegations against Staff
- Identification of individual with responsibility for child protection, i.e., designated officer
- Reference to LSCP Guidelines and Procedures, including allegations against staff and resolving conflict between agencies (Concerns Resolution Process).
- Support for staff
8. Identifying and responding to need
- Internal support and advice available
- Early Help/ Family Help Approach - Understanding of the Leeds Early Help/ Family Help Approach and where to access services for a child, from and the focus on early intervention through to child protection - Right Conversations, Right People, Right Time.
- Early Help Assessment (Formally CAF)
- How to make a referral – internal procedures and Duty and Advice Team
- Section 17 - Child in Need
- Section 47 - significant harm
- Strategy Discussions
- The voice of the Child/young person
- Think Family Work Family
- Referral Process
- Managing and Challenging Differences of Professional Opinion
- Concerns Resolution Process
- Professional curiosity
9. Next steps in the safeguarding process and the role of other agencies in the protection of children
- Local services available to protect children
- Action following referral
- Understanding of other agencies roles in supporting families (ref to Cluster models and services)
- Escalation and/or management of professional disagreement