This section contains guidance and procedures which all practitioners in Leeds should follow, to support their work with children and young people in Leeds.
Local protocols are developed in a multi-agency task and finish approach and reflect current legislation, accepted best practice and comply with the government guidance: Working Together to Safeguard Children. These protocols are developed using agreed principles and standards which are available on request.
We have also identified external guidance produced by other organisations, which practitioners should be aware of and utilise in their everyday practice.
The responsibilities for partner agencies and organisations with regards to dissemination and implementation of the guidance is identified at the beginning of each policy. If you are the safeguarding lead for your organisation, please ensure that you disseminate and implement each local protocol as per the instructions and update your section 11 audit to provide assurance to the LSCP.
West Yorkshire Consortium Inter Agency Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures
The West Yorkshire Consortium Inter Agency Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures provides policies, procedures and guidance for the West Yorkshire Consortium which consists of Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnerships.