
*Transition is a purposeful and planned process of supporting young people to move from children to adult services.

To be used by practitioners to aid reflective thinking.

Are you are working with a young person who is aged 16 or over, going through a transition?

Young people have different approaches to transition.

A young person will identify with one of the following groups with each group having their own needs and preferred ways of working. Identify the most appropriate one for the young person that you are working with.

Laid back group – This group are relaxed about transition and not particularly interested in it. They are happy to have their parents still involved, and happy to listen to what staff have to say. They don't feel that they need much support.

Anxious group –  are worried about transition. They feel their relationship to staff is important and want to build trust with them. They are worried that, even if they meet new staff before the transfer, it will still be difficult. They predict that they will need extra support in the future. They prefer a written transition plan, and a service that can also cater for their friends and family’s needs, and will want their parents to remain involved.
Want to do things for themselves – This group want staff to encourage them to make their own decisions, and to prepare for independent living. They are ready to move on and anticipate that staff in the adult services will still give them the same help.
Socially focused – This group want to meet other young people of a similar age with similar needs, and they want a key worker. They want involvement from their parents. They feel that it is important that staff are interested in other aspects of their life and should mention ‘teenage’ issues such as smoking, drugs and sex.

Keep in mind the following 10 principles as identified by the Student LSCP:

  1. Recognise that this situation is unique to the young person.
  2. Don’t pre-judge what a young person is going through.
  3. Let the young person and their family members know what you can and can’t do within your role including boundaries and protocols.
  4. Explain truthfully to the young person what information you may have to share with others and why.
  5. Let the young person know that whatever their situation is it won’t be rushed, but will be dealt with as soon as possible.
  6. Confirm with the young person that you have understood what they have told you.
  7. Show that you have taken in what the young person is saying and tell them what you will do about their concern.
  8. Identify the evidence of any risks to the young person’s well-being, brought about by this life event or transition and let them know your concerns where appropriate.
  9. If there is someone else who can also help the young person, tell them and make effective links within your own organisations or elsewhere to support the young person.
  10. Ensure that the young person knows what support is available and encourage them to accept it.

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