Organisational Safeguarding Assessment

If your organisation provides a service to children and/or young people or comes into contact with them, you need to ensure that you comply with Section 11 of the Children Act 2004.

Section 11 states that all organisations who work with children and young people should ensure that they have effective arrangements in place to safeguard and promote their welfare.

Safeguarding is an important issue for every organisation working with or in contact with children and young people – whether they are a statutory agency, a large national charity, a local third sector organisation, a volunteer-led community group, an after school club at a church or mosque, a youth theatre or sports club.

To make it easier for organisations to identify whether they have the necessary safeguarding arrangements in place the LSCP has created an online Organisational Safeguarding Assessment.

You will need to register on the system the first time that you use it. Just follow the instructions on screen. 

You don’t have to complete the questionnaire all at once, just click the “save & log out” button and then log back in when you’re ready to continue.

When you have completed the Organisational Safeguarding Assessment just press ‘submit’ and a copy will be sent directly to the LSCP.

We use the information that you supply to monitor safeguarding arrangements across the city and to look at what resources or targeted support we can offer in areas identified as needing improvements for example through training courses. None of this information will be made public.

Commissioned organisations

If you are commissioned by Leeds City Council or the NHS, select the relevant commissioning body in the drop down menu, and then when you press “submit” your completed form will be sent directly to them.

Downloading an Action Plan

When you have completed the online Organisational Safeguarding Assessment just click on “download action plan” for a Word document that lists all the areas that you need to improve on. You can save the action plan to your PC and add to it as you go along. Then when you’re ready, just log back into the Organisational Safeguarding Assessment and update your questionnaire with all of your updates.

Downloading a copy of your completed questionnaire

You can save a Word version of your completed questionnaire by clicking on "download a questionnaire". Please note that any changes made to the Word version that you have downloaded will not be reflected in the Organisational Safeguarding Assessment.

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