Early Help training


This course is delivered by Families First. 

Due to the ongoing restrictions Families First have been working on updating their Early Help Training and are very pleased to announce this training is now accessible online.

The Early Help training is aimed at all those who are involved and work with children, young people and families in the many different directorates throughout Leeds City Council, our third sector and partner agencies. Early help work takes place across many different agencies and all are able to access this free training.

It has been broken down into 5 manageable sessions, these are shorter and you are able to access and work through them at your own time. It is recommended that you work through them all in order and make sure you have enough time to do so.

Session 1 - The National Offer YouTube video on Leeds Early Help Training Part 1

Session 2 - Leeds Local Offer of Early Help YouTube video on Leeds Early Help Training Part 2

Session 3Working with families YouTube video on Leeds Early Help Training Part 3

Session 4Assessment and reviews YouTube video on Leeds Early Help Training Part 4

Session 5Reviewing and closing YouTube video on Leeds Early Help Training Part 5

The LSCP offers a wide variety of safeguarding training courses, all currently delivered online. 
We encourage you to take advantage of our learning offer to continually improve your knowledge and skills for the benefit of the children, young people and families that you support. 

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