Webinars & videos

In this section you will find details of a range of topic-based webinar sessions for you to attend, to fit in with your own learning calendar. 

Many of you who attended training events during Safeguarding Week 2024 told us that you liked the range of topics covered, but would find it easier to attend sessions if they were spread over a longer period. We listened to that, and as a result you will see that we have changed our approach to developing our training programme. Rather than a series of standard training topics which remain unchanged year on year, from now on we will be offering a series of webinars, dates for which run will over a full quarter. This programme will be regularly updated so that we can make sure that any current learning or practice changes are included, and you can access information that is current and up to date. 

All webinar sessions are linked to a key source of new or updated information, or offered to allow you to meet your core safeguarding competencies; this includes our LSCP priorities, learning from reviews, findings from audits and learning from inspections. You will see that we clearly outline where the learning has come from to inform our choice of topic, so you can make the direct connection yourselves. We’re really pleased that all of these webinars are to be delivered by subject experts from across the Partnership, drawing on the wide experience we have in Leeds.

The webinars are delivered live by one of the many subject specific experts from across the LSCP.

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