Professional grief and bereavement

A 3-hour webinar which will raise delegate awareness of individuals’ unique grief journey following bereavement. There will be consideration of the impact of bereavement and loss on children, adults, and wider family members. Those attending the training will be supported to reflect on the conversations they have in practice, considering the nature of those conversations within their role.

This training session is being offered in response to recommendations from a Child Safeguarding Practice Review.

The session is suitable for all those working in any setting, who may encounter people who are living with grief.

It is intended to enhance your understanding of bereavement, to support and enhance best practice, (not to offer counselling training). It will enable practitioners to be professionally curious, to understand how to ask deeper questions, to be comfortable with the language they use and to effectively manage emotional responses which they may observe or receive.

Trainer details

Zoe Hamilton Wynne is the Training & Bereavement Manager for the National Bereavement Service. With extensive experience in learning and development across all sectors, including statutory organisations such as the NHS, global corporations, charities and academia, Zoe is highly adept at conducting needs assessments, developing training materials, and delivering engaging and informative sessions tailored to diverse audiences. Zoe is deeply committed to providing evidence-based, tailored, compassionate and comprehensive bereavement training to support both individuals and organisations navigating the complexities of bereavement.


Delivered live on MS Teams and you will need to attend the full session, in a private space with no distractions.

This is an interactive session and in order for participants to fully engage we ask that you access the training using a laptop or PC only (no mobile phones or tablets).

Preparation for the session

Before attending this session, you must have completed the Introduction to Safeguarding Children and Young People either through your own agency or the LSCP. You should have a good understanding of safeguarding and your own organisation's relevant policies and procedures.


LSCP partner agencies, or Third Sector/not-for-profit agencies who have an annual turnover of less than £250k (voluntary, community, faith) will be exempt from charges to attend learning events.  With the following exception: 

  • Charges will apply for non-attendance on confirmed bookings

There is a charge for all private organisation for attendance and non-attendance to training. Third Sector/not-for-profit agencies who have an annual turnover of more than £250k will be charged £50.

All delegates from any agency will be charged £50 for non-attendance at the live session, so you will need to provide billing details when you register for the course. For further information see our Charging Policy.


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