This framework is designed to underpin and facilitate the development of a culture of continuous learning and improvement across the whole children’s safeguarding system in Leeds. It is based on:
- locally agreed priorities set out in the Annual report
- knowing our strengths, what we do well and do more of it
- knowing what children and young people say
- learning from national research
- an outcomes based accountability methodology which asks:
- how much did we do?
- how well did we do it?
- what difference did it make to outcomes for children and young people?
- a shared commitment to implementing and embedding improvement actions
- a shared commitment to focus and learn from good practice as well as those cases meeting statutory criteria.
Operation of the framework requires trust between partners that:
- provides a high level of mutual support, sets ambitious expectations and enables effective, constructive challenge
- fully involves professionals to contribute their perspectives without fear of being blamed for actions they took in good faith
- avoids the development of a ‘blame culture’.
Learning and improvement activity must be able to assure partners about the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements and demonstrate improvements in:
- safeguarding arrangements and multi-agency working
- ensuring children and young people receive ‘the right service at the right time’
- outcomes for vulnerable children and young people.