Child Exploitation Assessment

A child exploitation assessment or child exploitation toolkit will be completed by a professional when they are concerned that a child could be at risk of exploitation. We should be completing these at the earliest stages so we can intervene before the risk is high.

School, health, early help and other professionals will complete the Risk Identification Tool. If the child is medium/moderate or high/significant this needs to be submitted to Duty and Advice (children’s front door).

Children’s Social Workers will complete the Child Exploitation assessment on mosaic.

What is a CE assessment?

  • A specialist screening tool designed to help identify possible risks of child exploitation where there are identified CE concerns or intelligence
  • the assessment considers the concerns against some of the key risk factors associated with Child Exploitation within a multi-agency response
  • assesses the CE risk in a consistent manner (no risk, low/emerging, medium/moderate, high/significant)
  • Professionals are encouraged to go beyond the child’s presenting behaviour e.g. missing episodes and to explore what else might be going on for this child
  • Early intervention improves the chances of positive outcomes
  • Disruption and prosecution of perpetrator/s is also of significant importance
  • For social workers the assessment gets sent to CVET police which then allows the police to add the correct flags, this in turn allows for the sharing of intel through PIMMS.

Good practice within CE assessments/toolkits:

  • Language (non victim blaming, denial of exploitation is expected)
  • Child's views (Individuals who have been abused have already experienced a loss of control and the assessment process should be managed so they can meaningfully participate)
  • Considers the child's unique needs and individual vulnerability to CE
  • Description and analysis drawing on professional judgement
  • Hypothesis-what do you think is happening-what is your professional opinion?
  • Contextual factors-think about places, spaces and connections. 
  • Views of other agencies and family members (multi agency approach)
  • Push and pull factors e.g. low emotional warmth, poverty plus promise of vapes/alcohol and being made to feel special. 
  • Not being disclosure dependant-remember most children don’t realise they are being exploited.
  • Protective and resilience factors-including strengths for the family and the child.
  • Consideration of disruption opportunities 
  • Be underpinned by professional curiosity and not simply rely on checklists, disclosures or what is or is not known. If something is not known, professionals should not assume that may not happening
  • Consider the impact of the issues identified in the assessment of the individual and identify the support that is required to meet their needs

Push and pull:

The exploitation of children includes a combination of push and pull factors. Push factors are things that drive the child to detach from home. This, in turn, leaves them vulnerable to exploitation. Pull factors are actions that lure/tempt the child in.

Push factors:

  • family conflict or domestic abuse
  • neglect
  • parental substance abuse
  • being thrown out of the home
  • bereavement or loss

Pull factors:

  • promises of something they need, such as food, housing, gifts, money, or drugs, in exchange for tasks or actions
  • group acceptance or validation/affection
  • travel, adventure, or excitement


Case Type:

Significant/High risk- assessments should be undertaken every 4-6 weeks (currently mosaic assessment indicates 4 weeks but this will change to 6 weekly when then CE assessment is updated)

Emerging/Low and Moderate/medium-assessments should take place every 12 weeks at maximum (please update when any new information is received as the risk will fluctuate)

Remember your CE assessment is shared with the CVET police team meaning that the child has the correct flags and alerts recorded which in turn allows for the social worker to receive PIMMS intelligence.

Team Managers and Social Workers need to record a case decision when the risk has reduced and the case will be closed. The CE workflow cannot be cancelled.

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