Multi-agency Training

Organisations have a responsibility to ensure that all staff and volunteers have access to the appropriate level of safeguarding training to undertake their safeguarding responsibilities. Agencies in Leeds are expected to ensure that any training which they deliver meets the standards as set out in the LSCP Safeguarding Introductory Training, Minimum Content Requirements.  

The DSPs have the responsibility to ensure the provision of appropriate multi-agency safeguarding professional development and training. This is achieved in Leeds by a blended approach, which consists of on-line self-directed learning opportunities, taught on-line training sessions and wider learning and development opportunities which can be access via the LSCP webpage.

The core safeguarding training, which includes Introduction to Working Together safeguarding training, Refresher training, Working Together training and Child Exploitation training, are provided by the partnership and/or an appropriate commissioned service. All LSCP training has been updated in line with Working Together 2023.

Alongside the core offer, subject experts from across the city are utilised to provide multiagency topic specific training/briefings. Topics that are been offered this year include, County Lines, Modern Slavery, Harmful Sexual Behaviours, Child Protection, Managing Allegations and Prevent.  

The LSCP works alongside the other safeguarding partnerships in Leeds to ensure that wider safeguarding learning and development opportunities are developed and promoted, in areas of joint responsibility, such as domestic abuse.    

Evaluation is part of all training opportunities which are offered via the LSCP, with the feedback utilised to improve training delivery, content and opportunities, as well as offering a level of assurance regarding the effectiveness of the training. 

Overall multi-agency training across the year has evaluated positively as outlined in Figure Three, increasing knowledge and confidence, which is consistent with previous years.

In the coming year the Learning and Development group will consider how the impact on practice and outcomes of multiagency learning and development opportunities, which includes training, can be evidenced.  

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