Safeguarding In Sport

It is widely recognised that taking part in sport is positive for the health and wellbeing of children and young people but is also an area until recently where the safeguarding system were not always robust. With Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 highlighting the importance of seeing sports as a partner when safeguarding children and young people, work has begun in Leeds to strengthen these links.

The LSCP Business Unit are working with the Yorkshire Sport Foundation and Active Leeds, on strengthening the approach to safeguarding within sports across the city. Regular reports will be presented to the LSCP Executive and the group meet regularly and will work collaboratively on campaigns and projects to raise the profile of safeguarding, wellbeing and welfare within physical activity.

In the coming year this work will be progressed further, and consideration will be given to how the safeguarding reach can be broadened and sports organisations in the city be more active within the safeguarding partnership.

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