Professional Curiosity and Decision Making


Professional Curiosity and Decision-Making Training, to be delivered by Professor David Shemmings OBE PhD, Emeritus Professor of Child Protection Research at the University of Kent and Visiting Professor of Child Protection Research at Royal Holloway, University of London*.


Tuesday 1 October 2024, 9:45 - 16:00 

Wednesday 2 October 2024, 9:45 - 16:00 

Tuesday 5 November 2024, 9:45 - 16:00 

Friday 8 November 2024, 9:45 - 16:00

Delivery Method

Delegate Numbers/Booking

30 places are available for each session. The training will be delivered via MS Teams from 10:00 - 16:00. A link will be forwarded on registration.  

Who is this training for:

This training is for anyone working with children, young people, and adults at risk, who thinks that understanding how to be more curious or more effective in their decision making, will help them to achieve better, safer outcomes. So, if you’re a volunteer running a drop-in for people looking for help at a community centre, a teacher supporting children who are struggling in class because of things that are happening for them at home, a health visitor/GP reflecting on how to respond to a disclosure of domestic abuse, a youth worker running a group for young people at risk of exploitation, or a social worker completing assessments, and you want to be more confident or certain that you’re being as curious as you can be, this training is for you!

Presentation Content

The trainer will:

  • Reflect on why so many child/adult safeguarding reviews comment on their having been a ‘lack of professional curiosity’ and why decision making in safeguarding can be so complex.
  • Use examples from practice to reflect on the skills practitioners need to be professionally curious.
  • Consider how professionally curious practice best informs decision making, to keep children and young people safe.  
  • Provide an opportunity to explore challenges and reflect on how practitioners can think differently about professional curiosity, to improve their practice in the future.

Professional Curiosity Champions

For some of those attending the training, this will also provide an opportunity for them to be considered to become part of a team of Leeds Professional Curiosity Champions. Champions will be available across our partnership to support colleagues to become more curious in their everyday work, celebrating and championing professionally curious practice. We want Leeds to be a place where being curious is just what we do, and we think a team of champions will help Leeds to be that place! A small team of champions will be selected, following nomination by a manager, and will need to have attended this training to be considered. If you feel you have the skills and the drive to be a Professional Curiosity Champion, please get in touch to book a place.


There is no charge to attend this training

*Professor Shemmings is the author of more than 60 articles, books, and chapters on relationally based social work theory, research, and practice. In 2010, he co-authored a government-funded, C4EO Knowledge Review on 'Working with Highly Resistant Families'. Currently, Professor Shemmings leads the Advanced Child Protection stream within the West London Alliance Post-Qualifying Initiative (involving eight London boroughs) and directs the Attachment and Relationship-based Practice training in 40 child protection organisations across the UK and Europe  

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