This online multi-agency course is for anyone working with children or young people who may be at risk of child exploitation. This course provides an overview of child exploitation in its various forms including county lines and sexual exploitation. The course helps practitioners to understand how to identify when a child or young person may be at risk of exploitation. It also looks at how practitioners can respond to identified or suspected child exploitation in order to safeguard the child from harm.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course participants should have:
- Be able to identify the warning signs that a child might be risk of, or experiencing exploitation
- Have an understanding of the complexities of working with children at risk of, or experiencing exploitation
- Be familiar with how to respond appropriately to safeguard a child at risk of, or experiencing exploitation
- Know how best to share intelligence and information
- Be able to apply learning to practice.
Participants must have completed Introduction to Safeguarding Children and Young People (or their in-house equivalent) before they can access this training.
Dates available
- Wednesday 19th March, 09:15-14:45
There is a charge for all private organisation for attendance and non-attendance to training. Third Sector / not-for-profit agencies who have an annual turnover of more than £250k will be charged £50.
LSCP partner agencies, or Third Sector / not-for-profit agencies who have an annual turnover of less than £250k (voluntary, community, faith) will be exempt from charges to attend learning events. With the exemption of non-attendance as stated below.
All delegates from any agency will be charged £50 for non-attendance at the live session, so you will need to provide billing details when you register for the course. For further information see our Charging Policy.
Delivery method
This session will be delivered live on Zoom from 09:30 - 14:30 and participants will need to attend the full session in a private space with no distractions.
This is an interactive session and in order for participants to fully engage we ask that the training is accessed via a laptop or PC only (no mobile phones or tablets).
Delegates’ videos and microphones should be switched on throughout the session.
Only one delegate per device and if accessing in the same room as a colleague please ensure headsets are used.
Further information is available in the LSCP Live Online Training Guide. If you foresee difficulties with these instructions, please first speak to your line manager or internal IT services and if needed contact the LSCP Training team to discuss on
To secure your place on this training course please complete the booking form.