- Have I got the correct device (laptop or desktop computer – no phones or tablets please)
- Can I get on Zoom / MS Teams – test the link
- Do I need to contact IT for help – contact your own internal IT services
Quick Start 1-2-3 Guide
In Advance:
On the day:
- Have I got access to any resources I need for the training? If you need anything it will be attached to the email where you got your Zoom/MS Teams link
- Can I contribute to the session from a quite location where I won’t be disturbed?
- Arrive early to check my tech is working with the LSCP trainers/facilitators
During the session:
- The training is best viewed in gallery view - you should be able to alter this once in the session at the top left of your screen.
- Do my camera and microphone work – these are both essential for most LSCP sessions
- I can use the chat function to contact the trainer/facilitator. If it is private just check the chat is only going to the trainer.
How will the training session work?
Your training session will take place live on Zoom or MS Teams (see below for how to join but read the following first). This is an interactive session so please ensure you have a laptop from which to access the session (other devices will not work with all the features of the training). You will also need to ensure your video and microphone are set up and working.
IMPORTANT – Please check that you have access to Zoom or MS Teams before the date of the training.
Access to training – This should be within a person’s work hours and delegates are asked to access the training in a space where the session cannot be overheard by others and where they can participate with minimal external distractions. For example, it would not be appropriate to access the training if you are supervising a child at the same time and alternative arrangements should be made.
If a trainer believes that a delegate is accessing the training in a space where the session can be overheard by others the trainer will ask the delegate to move to a more private space or attend the training on an alternative date. Charging for non-attendance may apply in these circumstances.
Security - Each training session will have its own unique meeting number and passcode and these must not be passed on or shared with anyone. If someone else wishes to access the training they must apply individually via the LSCP website.
Signing in - Please ensure you join the session using your own name/the name you booked the session under. Only delegates who are named on the trainers registers will be admitted to the training. Once signed in you may be held in the waiting room or lobby until admitted to the session.
Sessions will be locked 5 minutes after the start time and delegates will not be able to access the session if they attempt to arrive after this time. They will be classed as non-attenders and their agency will be charged in accordance with the LSCP Charging Policy. To avoid this happening please ensure you access the session early and prior to the start time. Once you are connected to the session and the trainers confirm that your video and microphone are set up you will be able to temporarily mute and go off camera until the session begins.
Participation - If during the session you wish to ask a question please type it into the ‘chat’ function and the trainers will answer it at the next opportunity. You can use the reactions function, wave your hand or speak out on the video call (as you would in a classroom), and a trainer will address you. If you ask in the ‘chat’ function only the trainers will see this. The trainer will respond as soon as possible or may wait as the information may be about to be covered, or may address it at a later opportunity if they are in the middle of delivery.
Cameras – The presenter might request that you have your camera on and be visible throughout the training session. This is with the aim of:
- Emulating face-to-face training as far as possible
- Building relationships and networking with other delegates.
- Encouraging active participation in sessions, communication is 70% body-language.
- Recognising when someone needs help or the information is not clear.
- Using interactive methods to gain quick responses that doesn’t rely on text typing.
Breakout Rooms – Where breakout rooms are used you should automatically move into and out of an assigned room. If this doesn’t happen automatically just follow the prompts. The instructions for the exercise will be in the chat function. Please note the room number where you are assigned. The Trainers will be able to drop in and out of these rooms throughout the session and you can ask for help or return to the main session at any time.
Technical issues - If at any point during the session you are cut off and cannot re-enter the session, or you have any other issues with being able to participate in the session please send an email to lscp.training@leeds.gov.uk [RJ3] with the subject LIVE SESSION and your message within. One of the LSCP admin team or one of the trainers will be in touch with you at the soonest opportunity to offer support where possible.
Confidentiality – Please do not share personal information or details of clients that you are currently or have historically worked with which could identify children, young people or families. Please anonymise any information shared.
Welfare - We recognise that Safeguarding Children is an emotive subject and we will do our best to support all delegates within the session. If you feel unable to continue with the session due to the content or for personal reasons it is fine to turn off your video and microphone and send a message to the trainer using the chat function. Please stay online until one of the trainers is able to respond to you. We are able to arrange an alternative date in these circumstances.
LSCP provides interactive Online Training and Briefing sessions -
Training sessions will be delivered in groups of less than 20 and the focus is very much on multi-agency working so there will be activities to undertake throughout the training in small groups. Please log into the training in the 30 minutes prior to the sessions start time to deal with any technical needs. Once this is done you will be able to temporarily mute your microphone and video until the start time. If you do not have access to a laptop, microphone or video to take part please talk to your line manager. If this continues to be a problem please email lscp.training@leeds.gov.uk
Please ensure that you are able to attend the full session without any distractions. We will have regular comfort breaks to rest eyes and get drinks or fresh air and there will be a short lunch break within the session. We recommend that you have your lunch prepared prior to the session.
A Participants Pack sent out prior to the training contains all relevant information and links to resources used during the session.
At the conclusion of the training your will be provided with a hyperlink to complete an evaluation and access an attendance certificate.
Briefing sessions will usually be delivered in groups of up to 100 delegates. Please log into the training in the 15 minutes prior to the session start time to deal with any technical needs. Once this is done you will be able to mute your microphone and video until the start time.
At the conclusion of the session, you will be sent an email containing any relevant supporting resources, a PDF of the training slides and a link to the session evaluation form.
If you have queries about how the session will work or using Zoom/MS Teams that haven’t been answered in the pre-session information, please contact the LSCP with any queries prior to the event where possible or arrive early to discuss this with a trainer.
Access to zoom
If you are accessing the training via a laptop or PC, you can use -
- Internet Explorer 10 or higher
- Chromium Edge 80 or higher
- Google Chrome 53.0.2785 or higher
- Safari 10.0.602.1.50 or higher
- Firefox 76 or higher
If you are accessing the training on a Leeds City Council laptop, you will need to ensure that you use Google Chrome. If you don’t have Google Chrome installed, please go to your Application Catalogue in your start menu. You will be able to download Google Chrome from here.
Note: Mobile web browsers are not supported for Zoom training sessions. Accessing the session via mobile phones or a tablet will mean you will not be able to access all the functions and you will have technical difficulties throughout the session. This will undermine your learning and cause distractions for yourself and the other participants. Please do not use a mobile phone or tablet to access the sessions as the trainer will not be able to permit you to remain in the session. If access to a laptop or PC is an issue please discuss this with your line manager. If this continues to be a problem please email lscp.training@leeds.gov.uk
To join the session via a web browser (as listed above) put the link to the training in the search bar of the browser. Then click on the “Join from your browser” tab. Type your name when prompted and then put in the password from the email when requested.
Access to MS teams
If you already have MS Teams you can join the training from your calendar just select Join then turn on your camera, select background filters, choose your audio settings and select Join now.
If you don’t have the MS Teams app:
- In your email invite, select Click here to join the meeting. ...
- You have three choices:
- Download the Windows app
- Continue on this browser and join from the web, or
- Open your Teams app
- Type your name.
- Choose your audio and video settings.
- Select Join now.
- Depending on meeting settings, you'll get in right away, or go to a lobby where someone in the meeting will admit you.
If you are unable to access Zoom or MS Teams or experience technical issues, please contact your own internal IT dept.