Domestic abuse

Introduction to Domestic Violence and Abuse training, Assessing Risk/DASH/MARAC, Honour Based Abuse and Forced Marriage and Lessons Learned from DHRs are delivered by Safer Stronger Communities. Please email them to be put on their mailing list.

Briefings are also available via the LSCP on Child to Parent Abuse and Teenage Interpersonal Relationship Abuse.

Online training is also available from IDAS. IDAS is the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Online training available through SOLACE. Solace Women’s Aid exists to end the harm done through Violence Against Women and Girls.

The following pre-recorded webinars are also available to view from the YHMAST (Yorkshire & Humber Multi-Agency Safeguarding Trainers) Domestic Abuse Month in October 2021:

  • Working with Domestic Abuse: Engaging Men, Women and Families in Change by Brid Featherstone, University of Huddersfield & Alicia Lee, Manager of the Domestic Abuse Navigator Team, Doncaster Safeguarding Children’s Trust. 

    Brid Featherstone and Alicia Lee discuss engaging men, women and families in domestic abuse work. Brid gives a research-based rationale for avoiding the ‘single story’ and hearing the narrative of the different presentations, meanings and impact of domestic abuse across the intersections of society. Alicia Lee talks about her experience of applying this in whole family working in the domestic abuse sector in Doncaster.

  • Children’s Experiences of Domestic Abuse by Professor Jane Callaghan, Director of the Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection, University of Stirling. Professor Jane Callaghan gives a children’s perspectives of domestic abuse. One of her messages is that we should understand that children should not be viewed as passive; they experience the abuse, rather than being ‘exposed to’ or ‘witnessing’ it; they also take action to limit the harm to their personhood from the abuse.

Learning and development resources

The following pages provide information and resources aimed at supporting practitioners who are working with victims or children and young people who may be at risk of domestic abuse.

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