Prevent Awareness


The Prevent Duty was introduced as part of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015. It came into force on 1 July 2015 and states that local authorities and other institutions must have "due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism". Amongst many other requirements, this means that we must be equipped to be able to identify and support any individual who might be vulnerable to radicalisation. This training session on Prevent Awareness offers an introduction to the Prevent duty and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.

This one-hour briefing will be delivered by practitioners from the Prevent Team.


Participants must have completed Introduction to Safeguarding Children and Young People (or another introductory level safeguarding course relevant to their role) before they can access this training. 

Dates available:

  • There are currently no dates available


The briefing is free to access for all delegates however, all delegates from any agency will be charged £25 for non-attendance at the live session. We will therefore require billing details from all delegates registering for the course.

For further information see our Charging Policy.

Delivery method

This briefing will be delivered live on MS Teams. Delegates will be asked to mute microphones on entry but will be invited to unmute to ask questions or contribute to discussions. Delegates will also be encouraged to use the chat function to ask questions and they may choose whether they have their cameras on or off throughout the session.

To secure your place on this training course please complete the booking form

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